2014 MacArthur Week Participants
Honorary Chair
Milwaukee County War Memorial Center
- Michael Berzowski, Chair
- George J. Gaspar, Immediate Past Chair
- Skip Pochowski, Vice-Chair
- David Drent, Director of Operations
- Laurie Kildegaard, Chief Financial Officer
- Chandi LeSure, Events and Marketing Manager
Marquette University Law School
- Joseph Kearney, Dean
- Peter K. Rofes, Professor of Law
- Christine Wilczynski-Vogel
American Legion Cudworth Post #23
- Frank Lubinski, Commander
- Mike Herkowski, Adjutant
- Mike Bell, MMW Chair
- Bill Fink
- Jack Meyers
- Chas Mulcahy
- Chuck Roloff
- Mike Smith
White Hirschboeck Dudek
- Andrew J. Schlidt
- Dr. Teresa A. Noeske
Rotary Military Services Committee
- Phil Vollrath
- Ted Hutton
- George Solverson
Kiwanis Club Of Milwaukee
- Bruce W. Ramme, President
- Jean Peashey
Move MacArthur Statue Committee
- Greg West, Chair
- Mike Balistriere
- Tom Boldt
- Eric Gribble
- Ted Hutton
- Charley Lomas
- Chas Mulcahy
- Mark Rounds
- John F. Weishan, Jr.
Filipino American Community Representatives
- FAAWIS Dance Troupe
- Sheila Jackson
- Creamheld Pepito
Philippine Cultural & Civic Center Foundation
- Creamheld Pepito
- Violeta Singson, M.D.
- Gerry Ramos
- B. Jocelyn Ramos
- Munting Tinig Choir
MacArthur Memorial, Norfolk, Va
- Christopher Kolakowski
- James Zobel
Curtin University, Perth, West Australia
- Imogen Garner
- Deanne Barrett
- Prof. Emeritus Davis Black
- Sally Laming
Marquette University Archives
Marquette University ROTC
- Joseph Bauknecht, NROTC
- Michael C. Gibson, AROTC
Diplomatic Corps
- The Honorable Kim Beazley, Australian Ambassador to the U.S.
- The Honorable Roger Price, Consul General, Australian Consulate - Chicago
- The Honorable Ricarte B. Abejuela III, Vice Consul, Philippines Consulate - Chicago
- The Honorable Kim Sang-Il, Consul General, South Korean Consulate - Chicago
- The Honorable Masaharu Yoshida, Consul General, Japanese Consulate - Chicago
- The Honorable Stephen Bridges, Consul General, British Consulate – Chicago
- The Honorable Romulo Victor Israel, Deputy Consul, Philippines Consulate - Chicago
U.S. Army
- Major Gen. Paul Lima (Retired)
- John Curtis
Navy League, Milwaukee Council
- Thomas M. Buck PhD
- James F. Young
MMW Administrator
- Paula Lund
- Tracy Sperko, Assistant
2014 MMW Publications
- David Schenk, Editor
- Michael Acton Taylor, Assistant Editor
- Bill Finke
- Laurel Hogan
- Dr. John D. Krugler
- Dr. James Marten
- Chas Mulcahy
- Connor Muth
- Bob Peashey
- Chris Yatchak
MMW Website
MMW Printing Advisor
MMW Printer
- Burton & Mayer
- Robert Peashey
MMW Design Artist
MMW Signage
- Sign-A-Rama of Milwaukee LLC
MMW Calatrava Event Coordinator
- Janelle Meyer-Brown
- Amanda Bird
MMW Finances
- Mike Balistriere
- John Clarke
- Andrea Fahnrich
- Chas Mulcahy
MMW Logistics
- Claire Zellner
- David Brown
MMW Communications
MacArthur Medallion Committee
- Sebastian Riccobono
- Tom Queoff
- Chas Mulcahy